One Planet One People

One Planet One People’s Mission is to Develop and Promote the Collaborative Programs, Initiatives, and Systems needed to Push Back on the Tipping Point Issues of Climate Change, Pollution, Pandemics, War, as well as Social, Economic, and Health Inequalities on a Local to Global Scale that threaten Quality of Life for Kids, People, and The Planet.

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Meet Author • Educator • Speaker • Social Responsibility Entrepreneur Lyle Benjamin
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This letter took me ten years to write, but nothing worthwhile is ever really easy. It takes effort. Reading this will only take about 2-minutes of your time, but it still won’t be easy.

Understanding the systems created to solve pressing social problems on a large scale isn’t easy. And going from understanding to action to help solve these issues is even harder.

The biggest obstacle to us ever being really successful is that we use a fractional approach to solving global social issues. It hasn’t worked in the past, it’s not working today, and it won’t work in the future.

Look no further than our response to the pandemic, and you’ll see what I mean. And that’s how we’re trying to solve the other tipping point issues of climate change, pollution, overpopulation, war, and terrorism.

The fractional approach won’t work with these issues as well. The world will be exposed to the same deadly consequences as it has from COVID-19 … loss of quality of life for billions of people that results in poverty, starvation, sickness, and death.

My name is Lyle Benjamin, and I’ve spent the last ten years developing social responsibility systems that are designed to work from the grassroots up by engaging individuals on a collective basis to the top-down by working with institutions.

Planned Acts of Kindness is built on the principles of collaboration, and our programs are fully aligned with the United Nations’ 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals of 2030).

Only by working together will we have a chance of pushing back against the tipping points that will end the quality of life on this planet.

Do you have an open mind where we can work together on solving these problems?

Do you have “The Right Stuff?” … The five qualities — desire, determination, willingness to learn, willingness to take action, and commitment — of someone who really wants to be an influencer/hero and make things happen in a big way?

Are you frustrated enough, are you upset enough, are you scared enough about our future, that you’re ready to go down a different path?

Are you ready to make a difference? Are you ready to “Be The Hero”? If you are, then all you have to do is that the first step: Decide to collaborate and contact me.

We’re all in this together. One Planet One People. Let’s make it happen.

Stay safe. Stay well.

Lyle Benjamin
Planned Acts of Kindness

The Collaborative Community Bringing Together Sustainable Living & Business
to Work for the Betterment of Kids, People & The Planet


All of our programs are in full alignment with United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our programs are based on collaboration between people, institutions, and countries and are built on the principles of civility, quality, education, action, inclusion, and sustainability — in other words, quality of life for all.

We believe that this decade will determine the quality of life for 8 billion people on the planet. From climate change to pollution to pandemics to social, economic, and health inequalities, the fractional approach that individuals, influencers, and institutions are using to solve these global issues simply won’t work.

It didn’t work in the past, it didn’t work with the pandemic, and it won’t work in the future. The only way that we’re going to push back on these global issues is through collaboration. We must collaborate to succeed. We must collaborate to survive.


One of the main programs that we created is The Collaboration Think Tank Network where we invite, influencers and institutions — Schools, Faith-Based Organizations, NPO’s and NGO‘s, Government Agencies and Businesses — the join the network where they choose what SDG’s they’re interested in.

We then break them into teams and hold meetings where we go over what are the Objectives that we have to achieve, what are the Problems associated with achieving the objectives, and then the Solutions come from four sources working together — Scientific, Business, Government, and Academic.

And the solutions have to be actionable by either of two groups: Individuals who are doing behavioral change from the grassroots up or Institutions who can reach tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or millions of people from the top down. But it’s not enough to have educational solutions. You also have to have the delivery systems to get the information out to different segments of societies around the world.

That’s why we have 40+ books, programs, workshops, courses, events, activities, and initiatives.


We are living under the constant threat of an epidemic. Every day, we see evidence of it on TV, radio, podcasts, blogs, and social media. It screams at us in headlines splashed across the news. It’s damaging the mental health of our children and the health, happiness, and wellness of adults around the country. 28% of the population has been directly affected.

Read more to learn more about how you can help!

  • Getting to the Root Cause

  • Improve Kindness and Civility

  • Improve Quality of Life for All

Download the PDF for More Information

Mass Shootings


Population Affected


Mass Shootings


Population Affected


PLANNED ACTS OF KINDNESS is a Global Social Responsibility Platform that works with five groups of people — students, employees, owners, retirees, and the unemployed — in collaboration with five institutions — schools, churches/temples, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, government agencies, and businesses — to provide education and action plans to help solve global issues and provide better Quality of Life for all.

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The Karma Club is a community of people that perform Planned Acts of Kindness, Engagement, Volunteerism, and Support each month. Membership is 100% free, and “The More You Do, The Greater Your Rewards …” In short, we gamified Karma. Do a preset number of activities each month and automatically level up and be eligible to win prizes that we give away every day to random members of the Karma Club.

Join the Karma Club Today!

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16 THINGS KIDS CAN DO is a Non-Profit Organization that administers collaboration-based educational programs, including the book series “16 Things We All Can Do to Act Right & Help Save the Planet,” One Planet One People Workshops, and the Eight Foundation Skills Certification Courses.

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Jack Canfield “Chicken Soup For The Soul” interviews PAK Founder, Lyle Benjamin on Success TV

16 Things Kids Can Do works in conjunction with Planned Acts of Kindness and One Planet One People to achieve their collective mission of working for the betterment of kids, people, and the planet by providing scalable Quality of Life systems that engage individuals, influencers, and institutional collaborations around the globe. Learn more about what you can do to help save the planet by reading more of this website and then contacting us to get involved!


What’s Your Cause, Passion, or Mission? Our life-changing custom Social Responsibility books and workshops are designed to educate and inspire people to take grassroots-up (individual) and top-down (institutional) action on issues.

Individual Books or Bulk Sales for Groups & Institutions. School & Home School Programs. Sponsorships, Partnerships & Fund-Raising available with Custom Branded Books, Apps & Workshops

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H.E.A.R.T. Education for Quality of Life

H.E.A.R.T. Education for Quality of Life (E-QL) are Education & Action Programs Designed to Engage & Inspire Based on The Four Pillars of “One Planet One People” — Civility, Social Responsibility, Volunteerism & Global Citizenship — Teaching Kindness, Diversity, Inclusion & Responsibility through Life Skills.

Humanity – Teaching Civility & Kindness through Planned Acts
Equality – Teaching Social Justice, Gender & Racial Tolerance
Action – Teaching Collaborative Skills & Equality of Life For All
Respect – Teaching Social Justice & Collaborative Skills
Teamwork – Teaching Global Issues & Health and Well Being


Entrepreneur’s Sustainable Business Network
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Sustainability Program Guide

Your Step-by-step csr to stop recruitment & retainment costs from bleeding company profits & transform your business into the “Go To” place in your industry.

The Ultimate HR & Management Course

Boost CSR, HR, PR, Branding & Corporate Culture for Recruiting & Retaining through Ground-Breaking Transformative Programs & Initiatives that promote Civility, Equality, Sustainability, and Work/Life Balance based on Quality of Life.

Build, Expand & Protect a Loyal Workforce & Customer Base
Discover how we can create a positive impact collaboratively!
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Your Causes are Our Causes

We Excel At Adding Engagement, Education, Inspiration & Action Components Into Every Cause. The One Planet One People Network Addresses The Most Pressing Problems We Face: From Climate Change, Pollution, Pandemics, And War To Global Economic, Health, And Social Inequalities That Threaten The Quality Of Life For Kids, People, And The Planet.

One Planet One People
Karma Club
We Need H.E.A.R.T.
IPOP Clubs
Project KOPE
Our Programs Are Fully Aligned With All 17 Of The United Nations
U.N. Sustainable Development
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The ONE Book
The Fight for Survival of the Human Race

Your Guide to the Collaborative Programs & Initiatives Needed to Help Solve Social, Environmental & Economic Issues on a Local to Global Scale at your company, Faith-Based of Non-Profit Organization, Gov’t Agency, School, Network or Home

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The PAK App

The Action Portal That


Living Into Quality Of Life

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Take the 5 x 5 x 5 Challenge  Today

Be The Hero

Your Causes are Our Causes

We Add Engagement, Education, Inspiration & Action Into Every Cause

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  • The Karma Club
  • Project KOPE: Help, Happiness & Wellness thru Kindness
  • Custom Benefit Plans for Employees, Contractors & Families
  • SIREM: Social Institutional Reform/Equality Month. Video Series
  • One Planet One People (1POP) Summits
  • Community Partnership Centers


  • One: The Fight for Survival of the Human Race
  • “The Working Dead” Financial Literacy & Planning Book
  • 16 Things We All Can Do to Act Right & Help Save The Planet: Custom Books/Workshops
  • Legacy Lifelines Memorial: Creating Legacies for Lost Loved Ones


  • The Collaborative Work/Life Balance Course
  • Money Matters Mastery Financial Literacy & Planning
  • Internships/Mentorships: Real World Training
  • Athletes: H.S., College, Pros: Four Keys to Success
  • PMOROS Project Management System
  • Career Track Management 8-Foundation Certification


  • The S.A.W. (Smile & Wave) Challenge
  • The Great Pizza Peace Plan Challenge & The PAK Kindness Pledge
  • One Table One World
  • Creating PSAs — The Global Campaign for Kindness
  • Ultimate Volunteering — Crazy Ambitious Activities People
  • The $1 Billionaire Challenge: Raise $1 for Every One Person on the Planet


  • E-Quality Education (E-QL): Quality of Life thru PAK
  • Civility & Global Citizenship
  • One Planet One People Social Responsibility Clubs
  • Real-World Skill Development / Recognition & Rewards
  • Internship/Mentorship Real-World Training
  • Athletes: H.S., College, Pros: Keys To Success


  • Work/Life Balance Collaboration Course
  • Work/Life Balance Hubs
  • Work/Life Balance Programs
  • The Essential 8 — Career Track Management Foundation Certification
  • Custom Benefits Programs For Employees, Contractors & Families
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Volunteering
  • The Dirty Dozen: Team Building For Quality Of Life


  • Collaboration Think Tank Network
  • Collaboration Think Tank System
  • Collaboration Impact Area: The U.S. Prison System
  • Collaboration Think Tank Volunteers


  • From A-Z Exceeding Organizational Objectives
  • Organizational Success — Innovate or Die
  • Special Event Public Speaking, Founder Lyle Benjamin
  • From HR to CSR: Talks, Workshops & Events


  • One Green World EduMarket
  • Sustainability – Issues & Problems
  • Sustainability – Solutions


  • Donations & Support
  • Sponsorships & Partnerships
  • Social Responsibility PAK Products
  • What’s Your Cause?
  • Joint Fundraising for Causes
  • Donation “Hero” Packages
  • Book Buying & Branding
  • Barter “Bucket List” Fundraising Challenge


  • App Development
  • Architecture / Interior Design
  • Business Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environment
  • Grant Writing
  • Leadership
  • Marketing
  • Product Development
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media
  • SDGs
  • Sustainability
  • Video Production
  • Web Development
  • and MANY MORE!


  • The Action Portal that Transforms Living into Quality of Life
  • Get The PAK App
  • Take the 5 x 5 x 5 Challenge Today
  • Be The Hero!
  • Download the App Today!

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