Gun Violence Reduction Resolution

Prison Population Prevention Resolution

Int’l Planned Acts of Kindness Month

2025 The Year of One Planet One People

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Be the Change You Want to See in the World

Please add my name to the following Resolution(s):
I also would like to show my support by

Resolution to Reduce Gun Violence

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Read & Download Full PDF

Resolution to Reduce Gun Violence – Summary

  • Problem: Gun violence in the U.S. has escalated to epidemic levels, causing significant harm to the health and well-being of children and adults. The rise in mass shootings, injuries, and deaths has disrupted emotional development and mental health nationwide
  • Solution: Establish Planned Acts of Kindness programs across schools, workplaces, and communities to actively promote kindness, civility, and social responsibility. These programs address the root causes of violence by building a culture of empathy, understanding, and proactive behavior.
  • Benefits: Implementing these kindness programs will lower rates of violence, reduce substance abuse, enhance socialization, improve mental health, and strengthen communities, ultimately saving lives and reducing societal costs.

Invitation to add your name to the Resolution to Reduce Gun Violence & Improve Health & Wellbeing by adding Planned Acts of Kindness into Schools for Children four years and up and into Companies and Communities for Adults

Join Us in Reducing Gun Violence While Improving Mental Health!

In every state, city, and town, from all backgrounds, races, religions, genders, education, and income levels, people across the United States and around the world are living with an ever-growing epidemic: The impact of Gun Violence. Directly and indirectly, this epidemic is harmful to the health, happiness, and well-being of both children and adults.

Add your name to the Resolution to Reduce Gun Violence & Improve the Health & Well-being of the country by adding Planned Acts of Kindness into schools for children four years and up. 

As you will see in the Resolution, the benefits to society from people engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness activities include lower rates of violence, less mental illness, less substance abuse, less crime, safer communities, less government expenditures, more productive members of society, greater tax revenue; and, of course, fewer suicides, injuries, and murders.

Please join us as we launch this transformative behavioral initiative that can change the trajectory of families, neighborhoods, cities, states, our country, and even the world.

Adding your signature and showing your support is a wonderful opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment to Social Responsibility by empowering and transforming the lives of millions and the legacies of our children.

All it takes is ONE Minute to Show Your Support!

Groundbreaking Transformative Programs

The book “ONE: The Fight for Survival of Human Race” details over 40 groundbreaking collaborative programs and initiatives individuals, influencers, and institutions need to push back on the Tipping Points issues as well as social, economic, and health inequalities.

Our programs are recommended by organizations including U.N. NGOs, Google, Simon Property Group, the Peace Corps, and the book is endorsed by Jack Canfield, author of the best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” books who will be promoting it to his million-plus followers.

The Next Steps

In addition to adding your support signature to our open letter, please reach out to us (link) to learn how we can work together on the issues and causes that are important to you. We’re all in this together. We have one planet and one people on the planet, and we need to start acting like it if we are going to have the Quality of Life we want for ourselves, our families, and future generations.

Thank you in advance for doing this. It’s much needed and appreciated. And if you would, please pass this along — We have to collaborate to succeed.

With best regards,
Lyle Benjamin
Author, Educator, Social Responsibility Entrepreneur
Founder of The Collaboration Think Tank Network and
Planned Acts of Kindness & One Planet One People,
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organizations
Working for the Betterment of Kids, People & The Planet

Resolution to Lower Gun Violence & Improve Health, Happiness & Wellbeing through Planned Acts of Kindness

The U.S. is Suffering from a Gun Violence Epidemic & Planned Acts of Kindness is the Vaccine.

People in the United States are living with an epidemic: The impact of Gun Violence. Directly and indirectly, Gun Violence is harmful to the health, happiness, and well-being of children and adults.

WHEREAS the past several years has seen the frequency of Gun Violence across America rise from 325 Mass Shootings in 2014 to 830 in 2021. Gun-related injuries increased from 22,779 in 2014 to 40,602 in 2021. Gun deaths rose from 12,418 in 2014 to 48,830 in 2021. Every new year is poised to exceed the highest numbers yet in various Gun Violence categories including number of people shot, murders, suicides, violence against women, children and teens.

WHEREAS the consequences of Gun Violence aren’t restricted to those directly connected to the violence, they negatively impact the emotional growth and development of children, and the mental health of youth and adults of all ages.

WHEREAS the problem isn’t guns per se, the problem is our failure to value life and properly socialize our youth and adults that have led to the breakdown of civility and kindness throughout all segments of society. The solution isn’t just raising the age when — or limiting what — people can purchase.

WHEREAS to cure the problem we must take a systemized and scalable approach to make civility and kindness integral ingredients to people’s daily routines. Having a delivery and support system that provides, recognizes, and rewards children and adults on their performance of specific Planned Acts of Kindness and skill-building volunteer activities is requisite to its success.

WHEREAS having these Planned Acts of Kindness programs in place fosters collaboration between individuals and institutions to achieve optimal benefits — exactly what is necessary according to the Children’s Welfare League of America (CWLA).

WHEREAS the benefits to people engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness activities include greater well-being, better relationships, and stronger community ties —exactly what’s needed for people to live happier, healthier lives. Engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness and being a member of the PAK community will reduce participants’ feelings of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Participation in the programs and support system will help insulate and protect people of all ages from the anti-social behaviors of others while at the same time lowering the number of people engaging in these behaviors, and Gun Violence, in the first place.

WHEREAS the benefits to society from people engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness activities include lower rates of violence, less mental illness, less substance abuse, less crime, safer communities, less government expenditures, more productive members of society, greater tax revenue; and, of course, fewer suicides, injuries, and murders.

NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that the Not-for-Profit Organization, Planned Acts of Kindness (PAK) has spent years in the development of kindness and civility-based “Quality of Life” programs that work for the betterment of kids, people, and the planet; and has multiple programs, books, courses, events, and initiatives that, because of the diversity of people, are needed to engage, inspire, and transform behavior in children as young as four years old through adults of all ages, genders, nationalities, races, religions, education, and income. These programs have been recommended by reputable institutions, including the United Nations NGOs, and endorsed by thought leaders such as Jack Canfield, who has promoted these initiatives to his extensive network.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution calls upon:

  1. Individuals including students, parents, employees, the unemployed, and the retired to incorporate Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities into their lifestyle and encourages people of all ages to take a proactive role in participating in these transformative programs as they strive for greater Quality of Life for themselves, their families, their communities, our country, our global neighbors, and the future of the planet;
  2. Governments, companies, faith-based organizations, non-profits, and schools of all sizes to incorporate Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities into work/life balance, health, and wellness, and Corporate Social Responsibility offerings for employees, contractors, families as well as stakeholders and shareholders.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our goal is to have tens of millions of children in schools, and hundreds of millions of people around the world engaging daily in Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities and positively transforming the Quality of Life for billions of people on the planet.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that I am adding my name to this Proclamation in support of the 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Planned Acts of Kindness, and its “Quality of Life” Mission as evidenced through its civility and kindness programs and initiatives.


Prison Population Prevention Resolution

Resolution to Reduce Prison Populations – Summary

  • Problem: The U.S. leads the world in per capita incarceration, with 2.2 million prisoners costing society $1.2 trillion annually. This overburdened system diverts critical resources from areas like healthcare and education.
  • Solution: Planned Acts of Kindness (PAK) introduces transformative programs to prevent criminal behavior by fostering civility, empathy, and social responsibility. By engaging individuals early with essential life skills, the aim is to reduce the desire or need for criminal activity.
  • Benefits: By providing a support system that increases socialization skills and lowers feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression, participants in these programs are less likely to engage in antisocial behavior, resulting in reduced rates of violence, substance abuse, and criminal activities at a cost savings of $54.5 billion for every 100,000 people no longer entering or returning to prison.

Help Us Reduce the Prison Population and the Unprecedented Costs to Society through PAK’s Network of Groundbreaking Prevention Programs

Did You Know that the United States is #1 in the World in Prison Population? We have 2.2 Million People in Prison. The two countries with the largest populations in the world, India & China — COMBINED — have the same number of people in prison, BUT they have 10 times the Population! This is definitely not something you want to be #1 in the world.

What is even more staggering? The cost to society is $1.2 trillion annually. TRILLION, not billion. Medicare and Medicaid help over 154 million people with their health care. The cost: $1.4 trillion per year. So, the cost to help 154 million people is 1.4 Trillion dollars versus the cost to incarcerate 2.2 million is 1.2 trillion dollars. Anyway, you look at this, and it’s not a good ratio. And it’s not sustainable.

But it gets even worse when you put it in perspective:

But it gets even worse when you put it in perspective:

  • The average weekly amount a cost-cutting couple spends on groceries: $120
  • Less than 43% of American Adults have this much in savings: $1,200
  • 87% of American Households earn less than $120,000
  • 92% of Americans have Less Net Worth than $1,200,000
  • 1% of the Annual Prison Cost? $1,200,000,000 (1.2 Billion)
  • What the number 1.2 Trillion looks like: $1,200,000,000,000.

Another way to look at it is: Every person in the prison system costs society $545,454.54 per year. That’s over half a billion dollars. Remember, 87% of all American households earn less than $120,000 annually. That’s 4.5 times less than a person in prison costs us.

Your Net Worth is what you’ve accumulated in wealth over your lifetime. Over 90% of all Americans have less than 1.2 million. A lifetime of production and wealth that’s only 2.2 times greater than the annual prison cost of one person.

So, tell me truthfully, does this tick you off?

Well, one of the goals of our organization is to give people from all backgrounds and ages essential, engaging and transformative Quality of Life Programs, Books, Courses, Events & Initiatives so they have the socialization, skills and support SO THEY DON’T EVEN CONSIDER DOING THE THINGS THAT WILL LAND THEM IN PRISON IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Please add your name to the Resolution and play it forward. This is too important an issue for us to ignore if we are truly interested in obtaining better Quality of Life for people.

With best regards,
Lyle Benjamin
Author, Educator, Social Responsibility Entrepreneur
Founder of The Collaboration Think Tank Network and
Planned Acts of Kindness & One Planet One People
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organizations
Working for the Betterment of Kids, People & The Planet

Resolution to Lower Number of People Exhibiting Criminal Behavior & Going to Prison through the Institution of Planned Acts of Kindness Quality of Life Programs & Initiatives

The United States is #1 in the world in prison population per capita with almost 2.2 million people incarcerated. The number of prisoners in China and India combined equals our own, but their population is almost 10 times greater than the United States.

WHEREAS the cost of 2.2 million prisoners to our society is 1.2 Trillion dollars annually. Medicare and Medicaid combined help over 154 million Americans with health care and the annual taxpayer cost is $1.4 Trillion. Thus, the annual cost per prisoner is $545,454.54, and this money is desperately needed elsewhere. For every 100,000 reduction in our prison population, we save taxpayers and society 54.5 Billion dollars annually.

WHEREAS one of the goals of the Non-Profit Organization, Planned Acts of Kindness, is to give people from all backgrounds and ages essential, engaging, and transformative “Quality of Life” programs, books, courses, events, and initiatives so they have the socialization, skills, and support so they don’t even consider doing the things that will land them in prison in the first place!

WHEREAS to cure the problem we must make civility and kindness integral ingredients to people’s daily routines. The benefits to people engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness activities include greater well-being, better relationships, and stronger community ties —exactly what’s needed for people to live happier, healthier lives. The benefits to society from people engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness activities include lower rates of violence, less mental illness, less substance abuse, less crime, and fewer murders.

WHEREAS having the programs in place will help insulate and protect people of all ages from the anti-social behaviors of others while at the same time lowering the number of people engaging in these behaviors in the first place. People engaging in Planned Acts of Kindness and being a member of the PAK community will reduce participants’ feelings of isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts and tendencies. Engaging people in Planned Acts of Kindness and being a member of the PAK community will lower gun violence.

BE IT RESOLVED, the Not-for-Profit Organization, Planned Acts of Kindness (PAK):

  1. has spent years in the development of kindness and civility “Quality of Life” programs that work for the betterment of kids, people, and the planet;
  2. understands that because of the diversity of people, multiple programs, books, courses, events, and initiatives are needed to engage, inspire, and transform behavior in children and adults of all ages, genders, nationalities, races, religions, education, and income;
  3. has the delivery and support system that provides, recognizes, and rewards children and adults on their performance of specific Planned Acts of Kindness and skill-building volunteer and career activities;
  4. calls upon individuals including students, parents, employees, the unemployed, and the retired to incorporate Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities into their lifestyle and encourages people of all ages to take a proactive role in participating in these transformative programs as they strive for greater Quality of Life for themselves, their families, their communities, our country, our global neighbors, and the future of the planet; and,
  5. calls upon governments, companies, faith-based organizations, non-profits, and schools of all sizes to incorporate Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities into work/life balance, health, and wellness, Corporate Social Responsibility offerings for employees, contractors, and families as well as stakeholders and shareholders.

WHEREAS our goal is to have tens of millions of children in schools, and hundreds of millions of people around the world engaging daily in Planned Acts of Kindness programs and activities and positively transforming the Quality of Life for billions of people on the planet.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I am adding my name to this Resolution in support of the 501(c)3 non-profit organization, Planned Acts of Kindness, and its “Quality of Life” Mission as evidenced through its civility and kindness programs and initiatives.


Resolution Establishing December as International Planned Acts of Kindness (IPAK) Month

Resolution to Establish December as International Planned Acts of Kindness Month – Summary

  • Problem: Our world is increasingly divided and polarized on social, economic, environmental and health inequalities that threaten the health, happiness and well-being of people all over the world. Without immediate, collaborative action, these issues will continue to worsen adversely affecting Quality of Life for kids, people and the planet.
  • Solution: Establish December as International Planned Acts of Kindness Month with a structured focus on the following key programs:
    Week 1: Kindness & Civility Socialization Skill Development
    Week 2: One Planet One People Social Responsibility Clubs
    Week 3: Internships/Mentorships & Career Track Training
    Week 4: Project KOPE: Health, Happiness & Wellness Benefits Program
    These programs focus on personal development, social responsibility, and wellness, encouraging participation from individuals and institutions globally.
  • Benefits: For individuals, these initiatives provide a support system that enhances emotional well-being while achieving stronger relationships and community ties — the keys to happier, healthier lives. For institutions, the programs provide opportunities to strengthen their commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and corporate change for improved company culture. For communities worldwide, the programs strengthen social cohesion, greater well-being, and promote a more harmonious and sustainable future through collaboration and collective action.

Be The Hero: Help Create a Culture of Kindness, Civility and Social Responsibility

There is no question that as this generation of children grows into adults they will contend with the most difficult issues this country has ever faced over an extended period of time.

While parents, schools and religious organizations do their best to educate their youth, there is no concerted effort to both engage the children in a unified systematic approach to the core issues while at the same time acknowledging, educating, and rewarding these children for their efforts in exploring, learning, and working towards solutions to problems that they effectively inherited.

Unfortunately, the same is true for the rest of us adults.

Unfortunately, the same is true for the rest of us adults.

I am requesting your signature on the enclosed Resolution Proclamation to establish the month of December as International Planned Acts of Kindness Month. Establishing the month of December coincides with youth and adult schedules and provides a pathway to growth, development, maturity and success that will have tremendous rewards during the upcoming year and beyond.

We propose that each week in December focus on these key issues:

Week 1:  Kindness & Civility Socialization Skill Development

Week 2:  One Planet One People Social Responsibility Clubs

Week 3:  Internships/Mentorships & Career Track Training

Week 4:  Project KOPE: Health, Happiness & Wellness Benefits Program

The on-going goals of International Planned Acts of Kindness Month are to:

1) bring additional attention to the importance these subjects throughout people’s lives

2) provide programs and initiatives that inspire voluntary participation by youth and adults

3) acknowledge positive behavioral change, and lastly

4) provide an on-going support system and network that builds quality relationships & a stronger sense of community

Schools, non-profit and faith-based organizations, government agencies, and companies will be galvanized to hold events, workshops, seminars, meetings, activities and programs relating to these areas. Additionally, both programs and organizations will be encouraged to acknowledge and reward individual achievements at various points along the process.

Once implemented, we look forward to creating a ripple effect that will, over time, truly affect a sea change in our culture on these important issues. We thank you in advance for your attention and action on this matter.

With best regards,
Lyle Benjamin
Author, Educator, Social Responsibility Entrepreneur
Founder of The Collaboration Think Tank Network and
Planned Acts of Kindness & One Planet One People
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organizations
Working for the Betterment of Kids, People & The Planet

This generation of children and adults will face some of the most challenging issues this country has ever encountered, requiring a unified, systematic approach to engage both youth and adults in finding solutions; and

WHEREAS there is a pressing need for a cohesive strategy that not only educates youth and adults but also acknowledges, rewards, and supports their efforts in addressing inherited and ongoing societal problems; and

WHEREAS establishing December as International Planned Acts of Kindness Month shall provide a structured opportunity for growth, development, and positive behavioral change through transformative programs, aligning with both youth and adult schedules; and

WHEREAS the goal by 2026 is to expand the Planned Acts of Kindness initiative to all 195+ countries, engaging tens of millions of children and hundreds of millions of adults in groundbreaking, transformative Quality of Life programs and initiatives; and

RESOLVED, each week of December shall focus on key areas critical to fostering kindness, civility, social responsibility, and well-being, including:

  • Week 1: Kindness & Civility Socialization Skill Development
  • Week 2: One Planet One People Social Responsibility Clubs
  • Week 3: Internships/Mentorships & Career Track Training
  • Week 4: Project KOPE: Health, Happiness & Wellness Benefits Program; and

RESOLVED, the goals of International Planned Acts of Kindness Month shall be to:

  1. Raise awareness of the importance of kindness, civility, and social responsibility throughout all stages of life;
  2. Inspire voluntary participation by youth and adults in impactful programs and initiatives;
  3. Acknowledge and celebrate positive behavioral change within communities; and
  4. Foster a sustained support network to build quality relationships and strengthen communities globally; and

RESOLVED, schools, non-profit and faith-based organizations, government agencies, and companies shall be encouraged to host events, workshops, seminars, and programs addressing these areas, while recognizing and rewarding individual achievements; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Planned Acts of Kindness, a global social responsibility initiative, shall empower individuals to participate in daily planned activities with family, friends, co-workers, and community members, contributing to the creation of powerful, positive energy worldwide; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, these activities shall align with an ongoing educational and action campaign focused on a new cause each month, enabling millions of people to participate in collective, impactful actions; and

RESOLVED, during December, Planned Acts of Kindness shall collaborate with schools, religious institutions, non-profit organizations, government agencies, and businesses to provide educational workshops, seminars, events, meetings, activities, and programs focusing on:

  1. Ethics and Civility;
  2. Social Responsibility and Volunteerism;
  3. Community Outreach;
  4. Global Citizenship; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I hereby add my signature in support of establishing December as INTERNATIONAL PLANNED ACTS OF KINDNESS MONTH and call upon schools, non-profit and faith-based organizations, companies, government agencies, and my state’s Governor and Mayors to do the same.


Resolution to Establish 2025 as The Year of One Planet One People

Resolution to Declare 2025 “The Year of One Planet One People” – Summary

  • Problem: The world is in crisis — climate change, pollution, poverty, and war — that threatens the quality of life for over eight billion people. The fragmented approach used by governments, businesses, and institutions have been ineffective in fixing these tipping point issues, creating an urgent need for global collaboration.
  • Solution: Help establish 2025 as “The Year of One Planet One People,” the leading global movement of collaborative programs and initiatives fully aligned with the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and focused on improving the Quality of Life for individuals, communities, and the planet. 40+ programs, books, courses, events and initiatives designed to outreach, engage, educate and inspire action and behavioral change in people and institutions as they work collaboratively on real-world solutions.
  • Benefits: For individuals, participation in this initiative fosters personal growth, emotional well-being, and meaningful social responsibility. For institutions, it provides a framework for advancing ESG, SDG, and CSR goals, creating a more engaged workforce, and demonstrating leadership in sustainability efforts. Globally, these programs and initiatives strengthen communities through collaboration and collective action, enhancing the overall well-being of kids, people and the planet.

Be a Part of the Sustainable Solution: Your Signature Can Help Transform the World

The world is facing unprecedented challenges — climate change, pollution, social, economic and health inequalities — but together, through collaboration, we can push back against these threats and create a brighter, more sustainable future with better Quality of Life for people around the world. One Planet One People invites you to join us in declaring 2025 the Year of One Planet One People, a global initiative with over 40 ESG, SDG and CSR programs, books, courses, events and initiatives designed to create behavioral change in individuals and institutions as they work together for the betterment of Kids, People and the Planet.

The Time for Division Is Over

We have an incredible opportunity before us to join forces and create lasting change. The challenges we face are too great for any one group to solve. For too long, we’ve relied on a fractional approach, with governments, businesses, non-profits, faith-based organizations, and educational institutions addressing these issues in isolation. The time for division is over. Together, through groundbreaking and transformative scalable programs and initiatives, we can achieve what was once thought impossible.

Collaborative Action for Global Impact

We are writing to request your signature in support of a resolution or proclamation to establish 2025 as The Year of One Planet One People. By working together, we can accelerate outreach, engage communities, and inspire individuals and institutions to collaborate on these global issues. Numerous Governors and Mayors across the country have already endorsed the program, and we believe your support will further amplify this movement.

Groundbreaking Transformative Programs

Our programs are designed to address critical issues facing communities today. For example, our HEART in Education initiative integrates kindness and civility programs into schools and faith-based organizations beginning as early as age four. This program focuses on preventing mental illness, antisocial behavior, and other societal challenges through a support system that fosters quality relationships and builds stronger community bonds — two essential components for a happier, healthier life.

Supported by organizations like U.N. NGOs, Google, Simon Property Group, Sinclair Media Group and endorsed by Jack Canfield, best-selling author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, the goal is to have tens of millions of people in the United States and hundreds of millions around the world. We are confident that your participation will allow these programs to benefit even more children and adults in your community.

The Next Steps

We kindly ask you to support this global mission and by adding your signature to our resolution. Additionally, we are ready to collaborate with you to bring these transformative programs to your community. Our website and apps will allow people to see which government representatives and business leaders are supporting these initiatives, showcasing their commitment to social responsibility and a sustainable future.

As always, we thank you for your time and consideration. We look forward to working with you to empower millions of people and to ensure a brighter future for all.

With best regards,
Lyle Benjamin
Author, Educator, Social Responsibility Entrepreneur
Founder of The Collaboration Think Tank Network and
Planned Acts of Kindness & One Planet One People
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organizations
Working for the Betterment of Kids, People & The Planet


We, the Children of the World, Unite as One People One Planet, to preserve, protect, nurture, and enhance the health of our people, our countries, and our planet.

WHEREAS this decade will determine the quality of life for over eight billion people, and any one of these global issues—climate change, pollution, pandemics, poverty, food and water scarcity, health inequalities, mental health issues, and war—has the power to tip the balance for billions. The time for division is over. We must stop the fractional approach that governments, businesses, non-profits, faith-based, and educational institutions use to solve global issues. We must collaborate to succeed. We must collaborate to survive.

WHEREAS Social Responsibility Entrepreneur Lyle Benjamin has created the non-profit organization, One Planet One People, with the mission to serve as the global movement and umbrella organization tasked with fostering the collaborative programs and systems needed to achieve the objectives of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and provide Quality of Life for Kids, People, and the Planet.

WHEREAS Over the past decade, Benjamin has authored several books and created 40+ Quality of Life programs and initiatives designed to solve environmental, economic, social, and health issues on a local, national, and global scale. Fundamental to the success of the programs are the groundbreaking action-based systems built on the principles of kindness, civility, equality, education, inclusion, and sustainability that people and institutions can use—based upon their own interests and causes—to “Be the Hero” for kids, people, and the planet.

WHEREAS to have the global reach and impact over so many issues, One Planet One People operates the Benjamin DaVinci Institute and The Collaboration Think Tank Network, whose influencer and institutional members work collaboratively among four sources: 1) Scientific; 2) Business; 3) Government; and 4) Academic to define the A) Objectives; B) Problems; C) Solutions; and D) Action steps that can be done by Individuals and Institutions to push back on the Tipping Point issues that threaten our Quality of Life.

RESOLVED that the Non-Profit Organization, One Planet One People,

  1. has developed the reach and impact necessary to engage, educate, and inspire changes to individual and institutional behavior through an integrated network of programs, books, courses, events, activities, and initiatives covering diverse topics including Environmental Social Governance (ESG), the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Health & Well-Being, Education & Career, Civility & Kindness, Work & Family Benefits, and Volunteerism & Global Citizenship;
  2. with the United States leading by example, has the goal of establishing these education and action programs in all 195+ countries, with hundreds of millions of people participating in 2025 “The Year of One Planet One People” initiatives; and,
  3. in collaboration with our efforts, call upon people from all nationalities, races, religions, ages, genders, economic and educational levels to take a proactive role in participating in these collaborative programs as they strive for greater Quality of Life for themselves, their families, their communities, our country, our global neighbors, and the future of the planet.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that I am adding my name and organization to this Resolution in support of the non-profit organization, One Planet One People, and its Collaborative Global Mission as evidenced through the programs and initiatives that make 2025 “The Year of One Planet One People.”

CALL TO ACTION We urge all individuals, organizations, and governments to join us in this critical mission. Together, we can create a sustainable future where the health and well-being of all people and our planet are prioritized. Sign this resolution, participate in our initiatives, and be part of the movement to make 2025 a pivotal year for global unity and action.
